Thursday, May 13, 2010

Does Your Friend Have “the Blues”?

Chances are you know at least one person who is suffering from the blues. Maybe it's a friend or a colleague, or even a member of your family who says she or he feels down or miserable often. It could be undiagnosed depression. Think about this person for a minute: In addition to feeling sad, what else do you notice about them? Do any of these other symptoms of depression show up? How many of these characterize him or her?

She or he is restless and fidgety.
She or he complains about being exhausted much of the time.
She or he is no longer as productive as before.
She or he expresses a lot of regrets about the past.
She or he shows a lack of hope about the future.
She or he is often focused on bodily symptoms.
If you answered yes to more than two or three of these, consider the possibility that your friend has depression or is headed for one--and needs help. The thing that makes depression so difficult is that the depressed person often does not realize it. Their thinking is not as clear. Even if they agree they have a problem, they doubt that they can be helped. They feel hopeless! Telling someone to “buck up” or "just smile" is not going to work and can even be counterproductive.
Why Depressed People Need Friends
This is why friends can be so important to helping get a depressed person back on a positive track. Unfortunately, as you can see from the checklist, the behaviors and attitudes of a depressed friend often turn off those around them. It is easy for us to "forget" to spend time with someone who is down all the time. They start making us feel negative about life!
One of the biggest favors you can ever do a friend who seems to be slipping into depression, or who may already be in a depression, is to sit down with him or her and share you concerns. You can express your affection and offer to help your friend get the help she needs.
Give Your Friend Hope
You could start by helping your friend take a look at just how depressed she is. There are simply on-line tests for identifying depression, for example the Zung Self Rating Depression Scale The range of scores will give a good if there is depression, and if so how severe.
You can also offer your friend information on a natural, drug-free treatment that can put and end to those symptoms. This treatment is based on the most up-to-date scientific discoveries about mood and depression. It’s a drug-free treatment of depression using a program of nutritional supplements, and it is clearly described in “The Way Up from Down” by Dr. Priscilla Slagle.
“The Way Up from Down”
Dr. Slagle has generously offers a FREE book on the natural treatment for depression. The Way Up from Down, at her website. You could easily send your friend that link as well as the one to the related newsletter, clearly one of the best free alternative health newsletters around.
Then take some extra time with your friend to discuss it and let him or her know you care, and that hope is alive! It could be one of the best things you ever do for your friend! You might even learn a few things that will help you feel better if the blues ever comes your way!

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