Wednesday, February 17, 2010

5 Things You Should Know About Depression in Men

Depression is often thought of as a women's disease … when men get frustrated they punch things, and when it happens to women they cry and get depressed. As most of us have found throughout our lives, the truth goes far beyond any set of narrow stereotypes. Depression is actually quite common in men … and it seems that our modern lifestyle is making it even more so. Today we look at five things you should know about depression in men and natural treatment of depression and low moods.
  1. It happens … and it is nothing to be ashamed of
    Being depressed doesn’t make any man less masculine. On the contrary, it is often said that true bravery can be seen in the person that is scared, but faces their fear. Simply feeling no fear (or simply not suffering from depression) does not a true man make. It just does not factor into the equation - oftentimes depression is purely nutritional, biochemical or hormonal.
  2. The following factors can contribute to depression in men
    Using drugs and alcohol, and the subsequent ups and downs in his body's chemistry; physical health problems; relationship problems; social isolation; and changes in living arrangement can all trigger depression.
  3. Men are less likely to seek help for depression
    Because of our society's biases mentioned in point 1, men are less likely to seek help for depression. He will be much more dependent on the help of those close to him to pull him back up, from down. There are plenty of natural treatments for depression and low moods that can help make a good start.
  4. Men are more likely to self-medicate, or to take medication improperly
    If a male loved one has been diagnosed with depression, they are much more likely to try to self-medicate with drugs or alcohol, or to take more or less of their prescribed antidepressants than they should. It is best to supplement antidepressants with natural means of lifting depression, to help him get off that medication sooner.
Men are more likely to deny that they are depressed
This means that their loved ones often have a harder time getting them to seek help, and a non-threatening avenue such as nutritional, hormone and amino acid supplements

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Focus on Amino Acids: Leucine

We are starting to see a new breed of alternative health products appearing more on the net and in stores. Rather than the simple vitamins and minerals which we used to take, you can now buy a range of tissue and glandular supports that help you achieve natural treatment of depression and low moods, and general health much better. Amino acids are a common ingredient in these, and today we shine the spotlight on one of the essential amino acids, leucine.
What is Leucine?
Leucine is an essential amino acid, which means that we must obtain it through our diet -- our body cannot synthesize it from other chemicals as it can with the range of non-essential amino acids. On the technical side, leucine is a component of buffer proteins like ferritin and astacin.
What organs use leucine?
Leucine is essential for functioning of the liver, adipose tissue and muscle tissue. Therefore, leucine has a role in:
  • Removing toxins from the body, through the liver
  • Helping us move and feel energized (through our muscles)
Leucine foods
You can get leucine from foods such as meat, poultry, cottage cheese, roasted peanuts, sesame seeds and lentils.
Leucine alternative health products
Look for amino acid supplement comlexes in your alternative health product store, if you think you might not get enough leucine from your diet. These complexes are often rice-based, and can be mixed in with milkshakes, soups, smoothies and so on. Take a small amount several times daily, rather than a large amount all at once.