Depression is a cruel disease. Other illnesses simply don’t rob you of your very motivation to get better the same way that depression does. You feel that nothing will ever change, so there is no point trying. One of the key things to understand is that depression can be caused by simple imbalances in your hormones and the nutrients within your body … while it makes life at large seem idiotic and pointless, your life isn’t usually the cause of your depression. If drugs only make you feel worse (as they do for many depression patients) and you're undergoing natural treatment of depression, today we are looking at some strategies to help make this period of your life nothing but a memory.

Early treatment
This is critical … while we hear this about many illnesses, it is especially true in depression. When you think or feel a certain way, neuronal pathways in the brain are activated. The longer they stay activated, or the more repetitively they are activated, the easier it becomes for signalling to work on that pathway in future. If you fail to get help early, you are literally teaching yourself to be depressed. If you know what the doctor is going to say and you don’t like it, there are plenty of natural treatments for depression that you can try.
Nutritional Supplements
When you are depressed, you don’t necessarily eat right -- and this only contributes to the cycle. Break it with effective nutritional support for depression.
Do something you love
Depression takes all the color out of activities, I know… I've been there too! But it is essential when you are feeling depressed to do things that you like doing, that once inspired you and energized you. This is a key step in the natural treatment of depression.
Set realistic goals
Understand that you are ill -- although it might not have been caused by a virus, the way your body reacts is not completely under your control when you are depressed. If you can’t do the ironing AND make dinner, don't stress. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it -- that's what loved ones are there for.
Avoid alcohol and drugs
The term "self-medicating" is very much a misnomer with depression. Alcohol frequently makes the problem worse -- when you are hung over the next day, it often triggers a massive bout.
Exercise is one of the most potent natural treatments of depression -- it is both preventive and cure. Make sure it is an activity you like -- take an mp3 player walking, go swimming and enjoy the calm and quiet underwater, or find a nice outdoor spot for some individual yoga.
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